Realistic Adult Diversion

Realistic Adult Diversion picture

Realistic Adult Diversion is the initiative which caters for a second chance for those who are young, those who haven’t transgressed before, those who live within the scope of the law and those who in the interests of justice, should not be condemned for a single mistake. An offender who successfully completes a diversion program will not be convicted and will not have a criminal record.

Anyone is capable of making a mistake and it is this inherent fallibility that could cause a single lapse in judgment to result in a seemingly upstanding citizen being branded a criminal. Diversion seeks to address the real concern that a criminal conviction, and the stigma and possible incarceration stemming therefrom, may well lead a person to be exposed to influences which themselves may propagate further illegal conduct and lifestyle.

The purpose of diversion is based on principles of restorative justice rather than that of retribution, with its aim to shield contrite offenders, who freely admit guilt, from the rigors of being subjected to the criminal justice system. It enacts varying degrees of rehabilitation and actions of contrition to allow the offender to both address the offence, their behavior and their future attitude and conduct. It aims to rehabilitate and redeem the offender rather than punish the crime. Its purpose therefore is to heal rather than to hurt, addressing the situation by rehabilitating the transgressor through positive steps such as making amends, attending constructive courses and to service the community rather than being ostracized from it.

It allows the transgressor to atone for their crime, not behind bars, but through honest contrition, real service to the community and actual effort to correct the underlying defect in character which lead them to break the law. At Realistic we show the way by introducing an alternative. 

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